Emergency Response Program
About This Process
Anderson Group offers our corporate clients a comprehensive loss management solution that is unmatched in today’s marketplace. With an Anderson Group Emergency Response Priority Program in place, you are prepared for any size disaster and you can relax knowing that your property is protected.
The Anderson Group Emergency Response Priority Program is designed to seamlessly integrate into pre-existing disaster response strategies and recovery plans. Being a part of the Anderson Group Emergency Response Priority Program also guarantees preferred treatment after a large scale disaster, like a hurricane or major storm. In the event of a multiple-location loss, we are backed by our strategic partners and over 300 network affiliate locations.
Unlike many ERP’S on the market, Anderson Group will develop an Emergency Response Priority Program that is customized for your property. A requirement of our program is a comprehensive site visit which allows our experts to familiarize themselves with your property. During that inspection Anderson Group will review building plans, tenants/operations, and collect other vital information which will give Anderson Group the ability to properly respond in the event of a disaster.
The process includes:
- 1. Sign up for the Anderson Group Emergency Response Priority Program.
- 2. A qualified Anderson Group representative will make an appointment with you and visit your property to become familiar with it and the managers on site.
- 3. Receive an Emergency Response Priority Program registration number from us on an Emergency Response Priority Program card.
- 4. In the event of an emergency, call and give us your registered Emergency Response Priority Program number located on your card and a crew will be dispatched immediately.

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